The decoration of a house is a subject that worries many people. There are plenty of decorating styles and the combinations that can be made are infinite! So if you feel confused because of the many trends in decoration and don’t know what to choose, read this article to discover some of the basic decorating styles and find which one would suit you best.
1. Classic Style
The classic style comes from the aristocracy of the 18th and 19th centuries and is definitely a timeless choice that never goes out of fashion. The elements that prevail in this style are mainly symmetry, elegance and harmony.
If you’d like to decorate your home in a classic style, we would advise you to start by adding several lamps that will provide a warmer and more luxurious atmosphere. In addition, plaster decorations on the ceilings, carpets and rugs as well as various works of art such as paintings would be ideal options to give a more classic and luxury character to the space.
The color palette consists mainly of cream shades of white, beige and warm brown. Whatever colors you choose, it is preferable to be connected evenly without abrupt changes between them.
2. Minimal Style
Anyone who knows that the characteristic phrase of minimalism is “Less is more” understands that minimal style is related to simplicity and austerity and is the exact opposite of exaggeration and complex combinations. Essentially, the trend of minimalism rejects unnecessary elements, something that leads to the avoidance of clutter. That’s why in spaces where the minimal element dominates, we notice that there are few objects and furniture, but they all have meaning and purpose. So it is important that these few pieces of furniture are of good quality, functional and useful as the design revolves around them.
So if you decide to adopt the minimal in the decoration of your space, it is better to invest in higher quality furniture than to buy items of lesser value but without great durability.
Another characteristic of minimal houses is monochromaticity. Usually neutral and cool colors are chosen in minimalist decorations such as grey, beige and especially white which is the most prevalent. With these shades, tranquility maintains in the spaces.
3. Retro Style
This particular style has been inspired by the old years mainly of the 50s and 70s and basically describes something that is out of season.
Objects used in a retro decoration do not necessarily have to be old, on the contrary they can be brand new but made in such a way as to refer to an earlier era.
If you wish to adopt the retro style in your space, then we would suggest choosing bold elements to decorate it, such as bold colors and patterns on the walls, sofas, armchairs, curtains, etc. If you want something different you could even use wallpapers with bold patterns. In retro decoration common are the curves on the armchairs, the elongated lines on the sofas and also the hard materials such as the chairs or stools. For something extra we would suggest adding rugs in bold shades or with a special pattern. A fur rug would be preferable as it was considered a must at that time.
In general, keep in mind that retro style is an exaggeration, so don’t be afraid to include several elements in your space, as long as there is coherence between them. Otherwise it is very likely that your space will end up being loaded with a lot of information which instead of creating a beautiful result will end up causing a fuss. In any case, make sure that what you add contributes to the balance of your space.
4. Boho Style
Το Boho ή αλλιώς Bohemian Style εμπνέεται από ανθρώπους που έχουν καλλιτεχνικές και νομαδικές επιρροές και επιλέγουν μια αντισυμβατική ζωή, όπως ζωγράφοι, ηθοποιοί, συγγραφείς και ταξιδιώτες. Έτσι το boho style συνδυάζει αντικείμενα, χρώματα και σχέδια από διάφορες περιοχές του κόσμου.
Boho or Bohemian Style is inspired by people who have artistic and nomadic influences and choose an unconventional life, such as painters, actors, writers and travelers. So the boho style combines objects, colors and designs from different regions of the world.
We can’t say that there are rules in boho decoration. Although there are some basic colors that boho decorated spaces include such as warm brown, green and gray which are the bases of the colors and also there may be color combinations with purple, orange and electric blue. The combination you have to make in the colors is what makes the unique style. If you want something simpler and quieter on the eye, the choice of white as the main color would be the right one.
Σχετικά με τα αντικείμενα και τα έπιπλα, ωραίες επιλογές θα ήταν βαμμένα υφάσματα και σχέδια από όλο τον κόσμο, όπως ikat από την Καμπότζη ή suzani από την κεντρική Ασία. Μπορείτε να στρώσετε ριχτάρια στα έπιπλα και να κρεμάσετε ταπετσαρίες και χαλιά στους τοίχους. Τελειοποιήστε το boho στυλ στο χώρο σας δίνοντας του έναν πιο εξωτικό αέρα με την προσθήκη φυτών. Γενικά βάλτε φαντασία και δημιουργικότητα και μη φοβηθείτε να συνδυάσετε διαφορετικά μοτίβα και υφές.
Regarding objects and furniture, nice choices would be dyed fabrics and designs from around the world, such as ikat from Cambodia or suzani from central Asia. You can put throws on the furniture and hang tapestries and rugs on the walls. Perfect the boho style in your space by giving it a more exotic air with the addition of plants. In general, be imaginative and creative and don’t be afraid to combine different patterns and textures.
5. Rustic Style
The elements and materials used in the rustic style are inspired by the traditional rural culture. The main materials that make up the pillar in this particular decoration are wood and stone. So what distinguishes this particular decoration is the use of natural materials both in the furniture and in the structure of the house.
Για να επιτύχετε το Rustic Style στη διακόσμηση του σπιτιού σας αρχικά διαλέξτε γήινα χρώματα που θα χαρίζουν μια πιο ζεστή ατμόσφαιρα. Θα προτείναμε κυρίως ανοιχτές αποχρώσεις έτσι ώστε να αντικρούεται η βαριά ατμόσφαιρα που δημιουργούν τα φυσικά υλικά, τα οποία κατά βάση είναι σε σκούρους τόνους. Ακόμα θα προτείναμε έναν τοίχο να τον ντύσετε είτε με ξύλο είτε με πέτρα, αφού όπως προαναφέρθηκε αυτά είναι και τα βασικά στοιχεία. Μια επιλογή που θα ταίριαζε εξίσου στη Rustic διακόσμηση θα ήταν η επένδυση του τοίχου από τούβλο.
To achieve the Rustic Style in the decoration of your home, first choose earthy colors that will give a warmer atmosphere. We would suggest mainly light shades so as to counteract the heavy atmosphere created by the natural materials, which are basically in dark tones. We would also recommend covering a wall with either wood or stone, since as mentioned above these are the basic elements. Brick wall cladding would be a suitable option as well.
Finally, as far as the furniture is concerned, leather or something with a natural look is preferable. Because the rustic style represents uniqueness, we would suggest that each object in your space has its own personality. A great idea to achieve this is to pick up some handmade items.
6. Industrial Style
Industrial Style draws inspiration from old factories and industrial spaces and we can say that it is mainly based on minimalism. The main materials used in this style are metal, wood, stone and bricks.
To adopt the industrial style you can add to your living room a leather sofa and leather armchairs (ideally in tan or black), hang black metal lamps and in terms of the colors you will use, the most representative are black and gray which you can combine very nicely with earthy tones like beige and brown. To give more emphasis to the Industrial element you can dress a wall with brick or stone, otherwise you could decorate your walls with metal shelves or even small pipes that refer to a factory image.